© Neuland Zeitreisen

Advent on the Neumarkt Dresden

26th November - 19nd December 2021

The Neumarkt in Dresden with the wold-famous Church of Our Lady in the background and its unmistakable charm of old times is one of the most beautiful and historic squares in Europe. The "Advent on the Neumarkt" turns back time more than 100 years and shows how it looked like between 1830 and 1920. In this sense, only traditional, top-quality, down-to-earth and hand-made products from costumed craftsmen, artists and merchants are offered on the historic Christmas market. The Christian character is supported by the Kurrende singers that walk the market with their lute as well as by the replica of the Christmas crib with life animals. Thus, the Christmas market embodies the idyll of past times and invites the visitors to experience the charming Christmas time in a contemplative way and far away from the Christmas rush.


Opening Hours:
26th November - 19nd December 2021
Daily 11 am to 10 pm
Christmas Eve: 11 am to 8 pm


Advent on the Neumarkt Dresden
01067 Dresden

Tel.: +49 (0) 351 501501
Fax: 49 (0) 351 501509
Webová stránka: www.weihnachtsmarkt-dresden-neumarkt.de

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