© Staatliche Schlösser, Burgen und Gärten Sachsen gemeinnützige GmbH (SBG)

Weesensteiner Schlossweihnacht


27th - 28th November 2021

Schloss Weesenstein has a tradition of inviting visitors to a romantic market on the first weekend in Advent. Enjoy the magic of the illuminated castle, in whose courtyards merchants and artisans offer little treasures and delicacies for sale. Marvel at the “Wandertheater Schwalbe”, a travelling theatre group which has an inimitable way of bringing fairytale figures and castle ghosts to life, and join one of the events or romantic guided tours.


Opening Hours:
27th - 28th November 2021
Saturday and Sunday 1 pm to 6 pm


Weesensteiner Schlossweihnacht
Am Schloßberg 1
01809 Müglitztal

Tel.: +49 (0) 35027 6260
Fax: +49 (0) 35027 62628
Webová stránka: www.schloss-weesenstein.de/de/veranstaltungen-ausstellungen/detailseite/event/weesensteiner-schlossweihnacht/3456

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