Enjoy the magic of the snow-covered winter forest on this 3 km long circular trail.
The trail is almost three kilometers long and ideal for beginners and families with children.
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Enjoy the magic of the snow-covered winter forest on this 3 km long circular trail.
The trail is almost three kilometers long and ideal for beginners and families with children.
Cross-country ski trail access at the Schöneck roundabout
Cross-country ski trail access at the Schöneck roundabout
The trail is completely signposted with the number 3. It starts at the entrance to the cross-country ski trail at the roundabout, leads through the Meiler area and a short loop through the forest.
mit Einschränkungen durch zu geringe Schneeauflage befahrbar
Ski equipment can be rented at the sports point.
In Schöneck, follow the signs to Parkhaus, Skiwelt, IFA Ferienpark. Shortly before the roundabout you will see the trail entrance on the left.
Park comfortably in the multi-storey car park and the ski tour can begin.
Take the Vogtlandbahn to the IFA Ferienpark stop. There is a hiking and trail house in which there are changing rooms, sprinting, showers and toilets. The entrance to the cross-country ski trail is approx. 200 m to the left of the stop. Take the 90 bus from Oelsnitz/Plauen, line 93 from Bad Elster or line 22 from Morgenröthe-Rautenkranz, you can use the stop at the IFA holiday park and get on the trail straight away.
Flyer Skiwelt Schöneck
available from the Schöneck tourist information:
"Skiregion Schöneck" - winter sports map with trails, ski hiking trails, downhill slopes and winter hiking trails, Sachsen Karthographie Dresden, scale 1:25 000, price: 1.50 €
"Skiregion Oberes Vogtland" - winter sports map with trails, ski hiking trails , Downhill slopes and winter hiking trails, Saxony Karthographie Dresden, scale 1: 33000, price: € 2.95
"Ski region Western Ore Mountains/Vogtland, Kusne Hory (Bohemian Ore Mountains), winter sports map with trails, ski hiking trails, downhill slopes and winter hiking trails, Saxony Cartography Dresden, scale: 1: 40,000, price: € 5.00
"Vogtland Music Region", hiking, skiing and cycling map, Verlag Dr. Barthel, scale: 1: 35,000, price: € 4.90