© Archiv TVV / S. Theilig

Elster Pearls Trail – Stage 4


  • Start: Wünschendorf (Town Hall)
  • Cíl: Berga/Elster (Brandplatz)
  • střední
  • 16,15 km
  • 5 hod. 20 min.
  • 524 m
  • 348 m
  • 212 m

Stage 4 takes you 17.2 km from the town hall in Wünschendorf to Berga / Elster. You will have spectacular views like the "Weiberstein" peak to the beautiful valley of the Elster river.

Start: Wünschendorf / Elster

Destination: Berga / Elster (fire place)

Distance: 17.21 km

Elevation gain: 1100 m

Walking time: 5.5 to 7 hours

Panel cest

Povrch cesty

  • Ulice (2%)
  • Asfalt (3%)
  • Štěrk (11%)
  • Pěší stezka (73%)
  • Pěšina (12%)


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