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Old Town Hall with Restaurant


  • Nonnweiler
  • Historické místo
The town hall was built in 1502 from the remains of its Gothic predecessor building, and around 1672 it was rebuilt in a Renaissance style, which is when the gables were introduced, still a part of the building today. In 1924 a restaurant was opened on the ground floor. The restaurant in the cellar once again invites guests to enjoy regional food in its vaulted rooms. The Second World War did not spare the town hall, and the building was severely damaged: rebuilding it took almost 10 years. Since 1986 it has been home to the town and community library, as well as Gubin’s cultural centre with an event room. The town’s main church is still in ruins, but significant progress has been made on reconstruction work. It’s now possible to climb the church tower again, at least, and information signs indicate when this is possible.


Westerplatte 14
66620 Nonnweiler

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