© Andreas Schmidt / LTM

Monastery Church Grimma


The monastery church in Grimma is Reformation history turned into stone in the heart of central Germany.

The town ofGrimma is locatedin the idyllicMulde valley and is closelyconnectedwiththe Saxonhistory.The progenitorof the Saxonroyal family,AlbrechttheCourageous,was born there in the 15thBorncentury. Later different electorsof Saxony residedin the castle. The town is also connected with another famous name: Martin Luther. He often preached in the monastery church, which is now used for cultural events. The population of Grimma was very open to the new faith, so that the Reformation established itself very quickly.


Monastery Church Grimma
04668 Grimma

Tel.: +49 (0) 3437 9858285
Webová stránka: www.grimma.de

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