Bad Elster, jedny z nejtradičnějších slatinných a minerálních lázní v Německu, se nachází uprostřed zelené oázy Vogtland.
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Aktuální počasí v Sasku
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Bad Elster, jedny z nejtradičnějších slatinných a minerálních lázní v Německu, se nachází uprostřed zelené oázy Vogtland.
Bad Elster Albert Bad - Sächsische Staatsbäder GmbH
Badstraße 6
08645 Bad Elster
Tel.: +49 (0) 37437 71111
Fax: +49 (0) 37437 71222
Webová stránka:
Additional access information for wheelchair users and persons with reduced mobility:
Entrance to the facility / paths within the facility
Accessible toilet
Sanitary facilities for wheelchair users in accommodations / swimming baths / sports facilities
Swimming baths
Experience the natural phenomenon of brine while weightlessly floating in the Bad Elsteraner thermal brine. Feel the lightness of your body and benefit from the positive effects on your health. Elsteraner sole strengthens the immune system, promotes regeneration and stimulates the metabolism. Three pools with different levels of brine and different designs appeal to all of the senses. At 15 percent, the salt lake contains one of the highest concentrations in which the brine can be experienced indoors in Germany. Your stay in the thermal baths is rounded off through the sauna world with indoor and outdoor saunas. The use of the bathing area in the Albert Bad is included when entering the brine bath. Admission to the brine bath from 14 years of age.